Bible Study

Many of the Grace Ministries are quite suitable for most "Bible Study" groups but these three are particularly focused on helping us better understand the scriptures. The American church has drifted into mediocrity in Bible knowledge and even more so on how the scriptures translate into every day life.

Each resource here is unique and fills a particular need in the study of the Bible. 1,500 Prinicples to Live By is an excellent tool for Biblical insight, personal development, and commentary. KNOW and Periscope are specifically designed to give us understanding of the basics of the Christian faith and to ground us with a Biblical worldview.


    Brave New Discipleship

    KNOW: A ground-breaking discipleship program, with Dr. Max Anders, is almost a basic apologetics course that sets the foundation of faith for any believer and provides solid bible-based answers to seekers. The series covers every basic principle that is at the core of Christian faith. Applicable for new and mature followers of Christ. Solid, foundational, a must-have. 10 Sessions, approx. 22 minutes each.

  • Gene Getz

    Bible Principles

    1,500 Principles to Live By: This amazing project was 10 years in the making! It is a virtual treasure trove containing 1,500 six to eight-minute video teachings on over 240 topics from one of the most trusted Bible scholars in the world, Dr. Gene Getz. Class leaders, pastors, and Bible students can search by book of the Bible or topic and immediately locate a relevant teaching from Dr. Getz himself. This area is the most traveled of the entire Grace Ministries Library.

  • Periscope


    Periscope: Designed to help believers grasp and understand a biblical worldview. Our modern culture, secularism, and the call to compromise is drawing Christians by the thousands away from the basics of Christianity. FACT: 80% of church-going teens leave the church by the time they finish college. The Church is failing to disciple and equip our believers in the very basics of the faith. We are losing the next generation. Periscope can help ground them in the faith so they can stand against the onslaught of a secular worldview that pressures many to doubt the faith and leave the church. Probe Ministries is respected nationwide and has worked for decades to defend the Christian faith. 7 Sessions, approx. 25 minutes each.