They are Back!! Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg (Americas Family Coaches) are back withanother big step in the 101 series. Family 101-Back to the Basics will help us learn how to one another, each other. The Rosbergs take eight key principles from the 44 one another verses of the New Testament and teach us how to live them out in daily life.
We are also thrilled to announce that the nationally acclaimed Skit Guys have joined the Family 101 team to bring their own unique brand of humor and insight. Tommy and Eddie give us their best as they open the sessions with over the top performances that will open your heart with laughter.
Family 101-Back to the Basics was borne out of the great need to strengthen and support the family unit. Join Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg (America's Family Coaches), the Skit Guys and Dr. Gene Getz as they help us unravel the mystery of the "One Another" principles in the most challenging of places: the home.
Nine sessions, each about 20-25 minutes, take us step-by-step through the key New Testament passages on how to live out the "one another" verses in family life. We will discover how these principles are God's blueprint, the ground floor, for day-to-day living. Learn what it really means to love, serve, encourage and honor those closest to you.
Session 1 - Let the Adventure Begin
Session 2 - Serving One Another
Session 3 - Forgiving One Another
Session 4 - Honoring One Another
Session 5 - Praying for One Another
Session 6 - Loving One Another
Session 7 - Encouraging One Another
Session 8 - Building Up One Another
Session 9 - Being Devoted to One Another
Our culture puts tremendous pressure on the family. The pull of media, music, movies and TV often cause doubt and confusion on how to live out God's commands to love and serve one another. Divorce, immorality, neglect, abuse, compromise, and apathy threaten to dissolve the very fabric of family.
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