
Measure of Spiritual Maturity

Also featuring: Chuck Colson - Tony Evans - Luis Palau - Max Lucado - Josh McDowell -Joseph Stowell - Bill Bright - Stephen Olford - Bruce Wilkinson - Charles Stanley - Vonette Bright - H. Norman Wright

The Measure of Spiritual Maturity" brings us back to the basics of our faith in order to produce dynamic spiritual renewal. This series features one of the nation's foremost renewal leaders, Dr. Gene Getz, along with many of God's most trusted servants. These gifted leaders will take you on a journey of spiritual maturity that will enrich and empower your church.In a world filled with apathy, this is a series that will challenge you to a life of commitment and dedication to Christ & the local church. 11 Sessions, each25-30 minutes.

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Effective Ways to Use This Resource

New Believer's Class
Home Bible Studies
Leadership Develolpment Programs
Mid-Week Services
Deacon/Elder Training
Sunday School Elective
Sunday Evening Services
New Member Class
Youth Groups


Series Overview by Dr. Gene Getz

Session I
"Faith, Hope, Love"
Renewing Your Church
Session II
"Through a Mirror Dimly"
Renewing Your Faith
Session III
"Hope in a Hopeless World"
Renewing Your Hope
Session IV
"Bearing, Believing, Becoming"
Renewing Your Hope
Session V
"The Dynamic Jerusalem Model"
The Process of Renewal
Session VI
"Hearers and Doers"
Renewing Our Commitment
to Scripture and Prayer
Session VII
"The One Anothers"
Renewing Our Commitment to
Fellowship and Worship
Session VIII
"Treasures in Heaven"
Renewing Our Commitment to
Session IX
"I've Got News for You"
Renewing Our Commitment. to Evangelism
Session X
"Inlaws, Outlaws and All the Others"
Renewing Our Commitment to Family
Session XI
"Where's the Beef"
Renewing Our Commitment  to Personal Maturity