Your Work Matters to God
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Session 1

Your Work Matters to God

Christians often tend to divide their life into separate compartments.  We have our church life, our work life, our home life, and our extracurricular activities.  God does not look at it that way.  Everything we do matters to God.  Following Jesus was never meant to be a part time venture.

Session 2

Integrity at Work

The workplace is often a place where our integrity can be tested.  Do we try to justify that extra long lunch break, browsing the internet during work, or dropping a few office supplies in our briefcase? And what do we do when a superior tells to do something that we know is wrong, even illegal?  Is workplace integrity even possible in today's environment?

Session 3

Balancing Competing Time Demands

Juggling work, home, school, children and other activities can be maddenng.  And in homes with both spouses working it can be nearly impossible to meet all the demands.  Stress and burnout can be the ultimate result.  How do we balance those demands, honor God and fulfill our obligations to our family? Doug has some answers that make sense and give us perspective in this crazy world.

Session 4

Bibical Success and Ambition

How do you measure success? Is it your paycheck, prestige, position, or power?  The Bible has much to say about it.  Sadly, it differs much with what the world deems as successful.  Learn that God is OK with our pursuit of success at work as long as that never interferes with our relationship to Him and our families.
Session 5

Winning Work Habits

Good people can make bad employees because of poor work habits.  Christians damage their witness when they fail to take a hard look on how they handle their work.  There are certain habits that will help relieve stress and give God glory at work.  Learn skills that will last a lifetime.
Session 6

Conquering Stress Before it Conquers You

Stress and the modern workplace seem to go hand in hand.  Does it have to be that way?  Is stress something comes at us from the outside or that rises up inside? Listen as Doug Sherman gives us some Biblical strategies for dealing with stress.

Session 7

Excellence and You

Do you sometimes find yourself just doing what it takes to get by at work?  How do you think that reflects on the image of Christ your superiors and coworkers see? Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters". Excellence isn't a request, it's expected!

Session 8

Getting Along With Your Boss Biblically

My boss is a jerk! That may very well be true.  So, what does a Christian say and do in such a circumstance?  It can be very challenging honoring the position without having respect for the person.  Or maybe it's learning to walk in someone else's shoes before we are quick to pass judgement on their behavior.
Session 9

Effectively Sharing Christ with Co-Workers

Soap box and Bible thumping evangelism are not very effective in the workplace.  In some companies it is even against policy to share your faith publicly.  So what is effective?  How do I share my love for Christ in a way that honors Him, even in a hostile anti-Christian environment? 
Session 10

Cultivating Relationships at Work

God has placed you in a certain place, at a certain time, for a reason.  That is to bring glory to His name.  When we do that, we draw people to Him.  How do I reflect Christ at my workplace?  Is there a way to share the love of Jesus and not become offensive?  Doug Sherman gives us some great tips for building relationships.

Session 11

Standing Firm

The call to compormise our faith is all around us and the workplace can be the toughest of all.  Peer pressure can tempt us to look the other way and let go of our principles.  How do we stand fast and honor Christ when our job may be at stake?