Fathering 101 Online

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Introduction to Fathering 101-Be the Dad Life Stories

These powerful testimonies are meant to be used in every session of the "Be the Dad" study. Each one is broken into two parts. Part One to be played at the very beginning of the class, Part Two after the main teaching is completed. Feel free to call your Library Specialist for more details.


Life Story - Be the Dad...who Abides

Kyle Mabry shares the story of how God changed the heart of his Dad. Hear how Bill Mabry moved being almost totally absent to an abiding Dad that turned his family and his world upside down.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Understands the Role

Ron Greer grew up with a deep resentment against his father. His bitterness turned him to life of rebellion against all authority. But God had other plans for Ron and it took a prayer from an unknown believer to set him on a path to forgiveness and meaning.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Loves

For most of his childhood Jaime Gonzalez never knew the love of his father. His home was ruled by alcohol. Then one day God took hold of his Dad's heart and nothing has ever been the same.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Prays

Dr. Jeff Parker knows the power of prayer but for much of his early life he avoided a real relationship with God. As he shares his story you will see that God often works in mysterious ways to call us to Himself. Even an anonymous CB radio operator can be used to turn a heart toward God.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Models/Mentors

Richard Lunsford is a man that has been used by God to influence the lives of thousands of people. Every life he has touched has felt his love, his kindness and his integrity. Listen as his son , Holt, shares the story of a Dad that has truly modeled and mentored his children in the ways of God.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Listens

Fear, anger, abuse, and alcohol reigned in the home where Roy Watson grew up. When old enough he joined the Marines with this goal: Get the skills to kill his Dad, to rescue his Mom and siblings. God reached down and changed Roy's heart in the Marines. The baggage of a troubled past still haunted him but he eventually learned the lesson of listening.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Teaches

Lawrence Marshall grew up tough and ready for a fight. Teaching from a Godly father was non-existant in his life and he often made choices that were leading him to a path of hopelessness. But God had other plans for Lawrence and brought into his life Godly men that taught him the heart of God and how to be the man God wanted him to be.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Disciplines

Discipline was not a word that young Jim Leebens wanted to hear. All it meant to him was fear and pain. Physical and verbal abuse against himself and his Mom were common in his home. Only a God of amazing love could rescue this scarred and broken boy and heal his heart.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Blesses

Greg Vaughn desired something he had never received. In some ways he didn't even know what it was or how to get it. But one day, after the loss of his Dad, he determined to find out what it was all about. The Blessing, as designed by God, is something that every child needs and deserves. Listen as Greg Vaughn and Bodie Spangler share their very different stories of blessing.

Life Story - Be the Dad...who Provides/Protects

Neither Chris Harden or his wife grew up in a home with a Dad that provided and protected them. Despite this lack of example God was able to do a work in his life. He learned that providing was more than putting food on the table and protecting was more than just in the physical sense. He shares how providing and protecting God's way takes an abiding Dad.


Fathering 101 Colleague Training

Fathering 101 - Be the Dad...God wants you to be!

Listen as Greg Vaughn and Bill Dotson share the story and vision of the the Be the Dad Movement. Thousands of men have found the true meaning of what it takes to be the father their children truly need them to be. Fatherlessness is an epidemic in our nation and our society is suffering because of it. Take the challenge and "Be the Dad....God wants you to be!".

Colleague Training -Session 1

Be the Dad...who Abides

This first training segment gives the instructor some basic tips and suggestions on how to facilitate a successful class. Jon Rogers will help detail the critical differences and consequences between an "absent" and an "abiding" Dad. Pay special attention when he shares some tips on how to help Dads with young children and those that may be from a single parent home.

Colleague Training - Session 2

Be the Dad...who Understands the Role

This critical training session sets the tone for the balance of the series. John Roper will explain how to convey to a class the basic elements of the father's role in the family. He will help the trainer understand that role and how to pass on those concepts of leadership, servanthood, teaching and prayer. This proper understanding will help men build up and empower their children.

Colleague Training - Session 3

Be the Dad...who Loves

This training session will give class leaders a full overview of the different types of love. It will help the leader explain the best ways for a Dad to express his love to his children. Suggestions on how to "show" and "tell" love will be discussed. Leaders will be encouraged to challenge their men to offer the most valuable gift of all to their children, time.

Colleague Training - Session 4

Be the Dad...who Prays

Prayer, often talked about but hardly practiced. Leaders will hear the quote "if prayer is anything it is everything". Their challenge is to call men in their charge to fervent prayer for their families. Prayer is one of the most crucial roles of fatherhood, hence it is often the most difficult. Types of prayer and tips on when and where will be discussed. Tom O'Dwyer, ministry consultant, leads this important training.

Colleague Training - Session 5

Be the Dad...who Models/Mentors

"Monkey see monkey do". An old saying that hits to the heart of an issue that has long been a problem in the home. Children will follow in the footsteps of a father's actions, both in word and deed. That is especially true when it comes to their spiritual walk. Modeling Christ and actively mentoring their children is a critical key to fatherhood. Without it, children will see the through the hypocrisy and double standard.

Colleague Training - Session 6

Be the Dad...who Listens

Jaime Gonzalez knows what it means to have a Dad who did not listen to his needs as a child. He also knows the amazing change that God wrought in his Dad's heart. Jaime shares with Dad's the keys to be a great listener. He will explain the difference between hearing and truly listening. A Dad that really "listens" is a treasure that few children experience. Get ready to listen in about listening.

Colleague Training - Session 7

Be the Dad...who Teaches

Teaching means taking an active role in your child's spiritual growth and education. Too many Dads pass that responsibility off to their spouse or to their church. Those can both be of great help to a Dad but the Bible clearly shows us that the father bears the mantle when it comes to teaching. Children are pressed from many sides, a Dad's instruction and direction can make the difference in an uncertain world.

Colleague Training - Session 8

Be the Dad...who Disciplines

Discipline, much needed, but often mishandled or misdirected. Even more often, passed off to a spouse or neglected altogether. This generation of children is suffering from the lack and poor administration of discipline from their Dad. Learn what it means to discipline God's way and how this form of love gives children the structure and security they desperately need.

Colleague Training - Session 9

Be the Dad...who Blesses

Greg Vaughn and Bodie Spangler team up to tell their stories and present this powerful lesson on the why and how to bless our children. A Biblical blessing is more than just a one time thing and requires a Dad to be involved and active in their child's life. Class leaders will learn how to effectively teach their men the meaning of the true blessing and how to help them pass that blessing on to those they love and cherish. Every Dad can be "Be the Dad...who Blesses".

Colleague Training - Session 10

Be the Dad...who Provides/Protects

Class leaders will find this last training session both encouraging and challenging. Most Dads feel they are doing a pretty good job of providing for and protecting their children. That may be true from a worldly perspective. The problem arises when it comes to providing the spiritual needs of a child and protecting them from the attacks of the world. The Evil One is out to steal and destroy our families. Can Dads rise up and be the providers and protectors our children need in these times?


Capacitación del Colega - en español

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Paternidad 101 ¡Se el Papá…Que Dios quiere que seas!

Escucha a Greg Vaughn and Bill Dotson compartir la historia y visión del Movimiento Se Tu el Papá. Miles de hombres han encontrado el verdadero significado de lo que realmente se necesita para ser el papa que sus hijos realmente necesitan que ellos sean. La ausencia del padre es una epidemia en nuestra nación y nuestra sociedad está sufriendo las consecuencias. ¡Acepta el reto y “Se Tu el Papa...que Dios quiere que seas!

Capacitación del Colega -Sesión 1

Se el papá…que permanece

Este primer módulo de capacitación provee al facilitador algunos consejos y sugerencias básicas en como facilitar una clase exitosa. Jon Rogers le ha de ayudar en las diferencias críticas y las consecuencias entre un papá ausente y uno que está presente. Preste atención a algunos de los consejos en cómo ayudar a los padres con hijos adolescentes y aquellos que puedan ser de un hogar de padres solteros.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 2

Se el papá…que entiende su rol

Este módulo de capacitación es muy importante ya que establece el tono para el resto de la serie. John Roper ha de explicar cómo comunicar a la clase los elementos básicos del rol del padre en la familia. John ha de ayudar al facilitador a entender el rol del papá y como presentar los conceptos de liderazgo, servicio, enseñanza y oración. El entendimiento correcto de estos conceptos será de ayuda a los varones en desarrollar y empoderar a sus hijos.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 3

Se el papá...que ama

Este módulo provee a los facilitadores de grupo un completo repaso de los diferentes tipos de amor. Esto le ayudara al facilitador explicar las diferentes formas en que un papá puede expresar su amor a sus hijos. Sugerencias de como demostrar y expresar verbalmente amor serán discutidas. Se motiva a los líderes a que reten a los varones en ofrecer el más valioso regalo a sus hijos: tiempo.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 4

Se el papá…que ora

La oración, de la cual se habla mucho, pero se practica muy poco. Los facilitadores escucharan la cita “si la oración es algo lo es todo”. Su reto es llamar a los varones a que estén en oración ferviente por sus familias. La oración es uno de los roles más cruciales en el rol de papá, por lo tanto, el más difícil. Tipos de oración y consejos de cuando y donde serán discutidos en este módulo. Tom O’Dwyer, consultor ministerial, dirige este importante modulo.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 5

Se el papá…que modela/mentorea

“¿Dónde va Vicente? Donde va la gente.” Es un antiguo dicho que captura el corazón de un asunto que por mucho tiempo ha sido un problema en los hogares. Los hijos han de seguir los pasos de sus papás y sus acciones, tanto en palabras como en hechos. Y esto es especialmente cierto cuando se trata del caminar espiritual. Ser un ejemplo o modelo de Cristo y mentorear activamente a los hijos son elementos críticos en el rol de padre. En ausencia de estos, los hijos verán hipocresía y un doble estándar.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 6

Se el papá…que escucha

Jaime Gonzalez sabe muy bien lo que significa tener un papá que no escuchó sus necesidades cuando niño. Él también sabe del cambio maravilloso que Dios forjo en el corazón de su padre. Jaime comparte con los papás la clave para ser una persona que escucha eficazmente. El explica las diferencias entre oír y realmente escuchar. Un papá que realmente escucha es un tesoro que solo unos pocos hijos experimentan. Prepárate a escuchar sobre escuchar.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 7

Se el papá…que enseña

Enseñar significa tomar un rol activo en el crecimiento espiritual y educación de tu hijo. Muchos padres delegan esa responsabilidad a su esposa o a la iglesia. Aun cuando eso pueda ser de gran ayuda al papá la Biblia nos enseña que el padre tiene la responsabilidad cuando se trata de enseñar. Los hijos estan presionados de muchos lados, la enseñanza y dirección del padre puede hacer la diferencia en un mundo tan incierto.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 8

Se el papá…que disciplina

Disciplina, muy necesaria, pero muchas veces mal manejada o mal dirigida. Aun peor, muchas veces delegada a la esposa o descuidada por completo. Esta generación de niños está sufriendo de la falta y pobre administración de disciplina de parte de sus papás. Aprenda lo que significa a disciplinar según la manera de Dios y como esta forma de amor les da a los hijos la estructura y seguridad que ellos tan desesperadamente necesitan.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 9

Se el papá…que bendice

Greg Vaughn y Bodie Spangler se unen para contar sus historias y presentar esta poderosa lección del porque y como bendecir a nuestros niños. La bendición Bíblica es más que simplemente un evento que ocurre una sola vez y requiere que los papás estén involucrados y activos en la vida de sus hijos. Los facilitadores de la clase aprenderán como enseñar efectivamente a los varones el significado de la bendición verdadera y como ayudarles en bendecir a aquellos a quienes aman y aprecian. Cada papá puede ser el “papá que bendice”.

Capacitación del Colega - Sesión 10

Se el papá…que provee y protege

Los facilitadores encontraran que este último módulo de entrenamiento es motivador y retador a la vez. Muchos padres piensan que estan haciendo un buen trabajo en proveer y proteger a sus hijos. Esto puedo ser cierto desde la perspectiva del mundo. El problema surge cuando se trata de proveer las necesidades espirituales de los hijos y protegerlos de los ataques del mundo. El Maligno está buscando como robar y destruir nuestras familias. ¿Pueden los papás levantarse para proveer y proteger a sus hijos en estos tiempos?