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Book Study - Session 1

This fantastic study is designed for individual or group study. Dr Morgan shares his personal story of faith and how God has always drawn near to him when he draws near to God. Many Christians sturggle with experiencing the presence of God in their daily life. Dr. Morgan guides us through 10 ways to develop that closeness that all desire. You will love his story of how water-skiing is a perfect example of our walk with Christ.

Book Study - Session 2

Dr. Morgan shares the powerful message contained in Hebrews Chapter 10. We can enter the Most Holy Place because of Jesus Christ. It is not only a privilege, it is an obligation! We must draw near to God, and to each other as we see "the day approaching". The author of Hebrews knew that believers would often lack the faith and boldness to draw near to all-powerful God of the universe. Through the blood of Jesus we can walk with confidence into that Holy Place.

Book Study - Session 3

"The cheerful heart has a continual feast". This short phrase from Proverbs gives us a key to enduring peace in Christ. A smile, sharing scripture, and singing are magnets that encourage others and build walls of faith around us. Dr. Morgan shares how these simple keys can unlock a new nearness to God that all of us long for. Are you experiencing the "joy" of being close to God? Is it showing on the outside?

Book Study - Session 4

Who has not looked at how some wicked people prosper and wondered why they are doing well while we may be suffering. Asaph, who wrote many of the psalms, cried out to God with these concerns. The Answer: "draw near". As we draw near to God, our perspective changes, we understand the hope we have, we become thankful for God's blessing and we feel His love for us. Don't despair, draw near.

Book Study - Session 5

Dr. Morgan shares the many places in scripture that describe the Throne of God. Moses, Isaiah, Steven, John, and others have had a glimpse of that wondrous place. The Bible tells us that we can approach that throne with boldness through Jesus. Be encouraged, as we draw near that throne, God is ready to draw near to us.